Order Your Ice Cream Social
in a Box Now!
Dandy Don’s HomeMade Ice Cream is available in a “do-it-yourself” package – complete with scoops of ice cream, toppings, plastic red tablecover, spoons, napkins, and soda jerk hats (just like the ones soda jerks wear in old-fashioned ice cream parlors!) – ready for unpacking and setting up your very own Sundae Bar!
Each box contains: 25 scoops of ice cream (in a reusable foam box with dry ice). The toppings, table cover, spoons and hats are in a second box suitable for gift-giving.
FLAVORS: Vanilla Bean, Chocolate, Cappuccino Crunch, Strawberry, Nonfat Vanilla Yogurt, Raspberry Sorbet.
TOPPINGS: Chocolate & Caramel Sauces (microwaveable bottles), Stemmed Cherries, Peanuts, Almonds, Rainbow & Chocolate Sprinkles, M&Ms, Oreos, Granola, Sugar Cone Crumbles.
Price: $169.00
Plus shipping and CA sales tax (as applies). Shipping is available MON-THURS ONLY.