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Archive for category: Catering


Pasadena Unified School District

Dandy Don’s Ice Cream brought 2000 hot fudge sundaes to the Rose Bowl today for the Pasadena Unified School District. Dandy Don was awarded a certificate for his generous in-kind donation.


Controller Laura Chick’s Party

Los Angeles Controller Laura Chick treated her staff to hot fudge sundaes with holiday flavors from Dandy Don’s Ice Cream today during their staff meeting. We always knew she had good taste.


“The Tonight Show” Party

Jay Leno and the cast & crew of “The Tonight Show” enjoyed ice cream and frozen yogurt topped with hot fudge, hot caramel, whipped cream, and sprinkles at their regularly scheduled ice cream social from Dandy Don’s Ice Cream this afternoon.


“Cane” Party

Jimmy Smits and the rest of the cast & crew of “Cane” at ice cream covered in hot fudge, nuts, and whipped cream brought by Dandy Don’s.

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